Friday, February 11, 2011

a word of advice...

hi all,

i just got my piece of linoleum cut. it came out fine but I wanted to offer a little advice to those who have never used the laser cutter so that they can get the best results!
1. Make sure you get there like 5-10 minutes early so that it doesn't eat into your time when the operator is formatting your file to be cut, etc.
2. Even if the operator doesn't ask, be sure to specify exactly what you want done. Mine was really nice, except she didn't ask me exactly how I wanted my design to be cut out. Having never used a laser cutter, I just figured there was only one possible way for my block to come out. Now, instead of my whole pattern being dug out, the laser only cut out the outlines. Basically my block has little lines etched into it and I'm hoping that I can still ink it without the ink getting into the grooves.

I hope that makes sense! Good luck!



  1. Thanks, Ruani. This is great advice.

  2. Thanks for the advice. I just have a question: should we invert the positive and negative space? In other words, should the vector shape be the negative space?
