Tuesday, April 19, 2011

and by 318C i meant 381C...

new colors

okay so i went on illustrator and matched the colors even better

the green is 318C
the blue is 2905C
the orange is 179C

this is also helpful for getting the swatch library: http://graphicdesign.spokanefalls.edu/tutorials/tech/pantone_colors/pantone.htm

Printing Instructions

Here are the instructions for printing your layouts front and back.

First, make a PDF file with both of your pages (one should have the back and front, the other should be the 2 page spread). You can do this in InDesign, or you can combine multiple PDF's in Acrobat (just choose Combine -> Merge files into a single PDF). The way I did mine, the first page of the PDF had what was supposed to be the back page on the left side, and what was supposed to be front page on the right side. The second page in the PDF had the 2-page spread.

If your PDF is in this arrangement, you need to rotate the second page so it is printed out correctly. Open it up in Acrobat, go to the second page and choose Document -> Rotate Pages. and for Direction choose 180 Degrees. This will flip it the correct way.

Now go to File -> Properties and click on the Advanced Tab. You'll see a drop down next to DuplexMode. Choose Duplex Flip Long Edge (that worked for me).

Go to Page Setup, choose ADDM-7760GX as your printer and make it Tabloid size.

That should be it!

Pantone colors and font

The pantone colors are:
166 C
290 C
388 C

The font is 10 pt Univers. I think it's a font you need to activate with the type client.

better late than never

here are my layouts. keeping it graphic. my type reminds me of bones. maybe add some grungy textures? starting to like it, but still needs work.

front/ back


Monday, April 18, 2011

New version of 2 page spread

Trisha/the rest of the class:

Is this cool? what else can I add to it? I kind of gave up on my last idea. It wasn't turning out cool like I had promised.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Friday, April 15, 2011

Layout In Progress

Front and Back

Inside Spread

I'm thinking of something to write instead of just using the alphabet in the inside pages (hopefully that will make it more interesting)

VERY in progress

So I kinda had to start over yesterday because I didn't like what I made but I plan on making a cool pattern out of my letter forms and the texture of the blinds they are made out of. Here is the beginning of that idea. It will look cool when I'm finished I promise!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Keith Scharwath

I was reading GOOD magazine online and liked their most recent cover so I looked up the designer. Really great stuff in terms of color and typography.
